
Beyond Wine: Meet the Water Sommeliers Define as Liquid Luxury | Vital Signs With Brendon

Could water rival wine in taste, terroir, and the romantic appeal of its origin? What key health benefit does water hold, regardless of its source? Twenty years ago, food anthropologist Michael Mascha was forced to surrender his deep passion for wine. The last place he expected to find alternate satisfaction was in a bottle of […]

Beyond Wine: Meet the Water Sommeliers Define as Liquid Luxury | Vital Signs With Brendon
May 5, 2024
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Our health is the composite of our states of body, mind, and soul. Each of these domains influences the other, and can either nourish or deplete the others, depending on how we live our lives. Be it food to fight cancer, boosting virus immunity, or tips for better sleep, Vital Signs zooms in on the important matters of health that come up in everyday life—connecting the dots across the broad canvas of our "composite health."